We help clinics find more clients and increase revenue
What niches are we experts in?
What niches are we experts in?
Multiprofile clinics
Specialized clinics
Diagnostic centers


Clinic marketing strategy development
Social network management
Improving website visibility on search engines/networks
Brand book and corporate style development
Contextual advertising
Clinics' PR
Website design and content development
Promotion of personal brands of managers
and specialists/
Managers/executives and other clinic specialists personal brands promotion
Marketing channels efficiency analytics

Marketing strategy

Step by step and long-term plan your medical project promotion. Includes audit goal setting, current state of marketing and sales audit, market, trends
and competitors analysis, target audience surveys, branding, promotion plan, site development plan.

Marketing activities support

All or individual activities implementations as part
of your marketing strategy. In any case, we do not work on the "flow" and delve into your business to increase the efficiency of such work.
Prior to launch It is important that the planning
of a new project includes a marketing component, because in this case, further promotion will be more integrated and complex. This usually includes marketing strategy, brand development, visual concept development, including room/space design recommendations.

Ability to visualize commercial effectiveness from different angles. This is, for example, the effectiveness in marketing through promotion channels, manager's work quality in the call center, client attraction cost and many other indicators that are important for making objective management decisions.

How we help clients

Involvement in project planning

Cross-cutting analytics development

For our needs, we examined the quality of websites and services of 30 multidisciplinary medical clinics. However, now we are ready to share it. You will be able to understand at what level the marketing of medical institutions is, as well as highlight the most effective cases for use in your project.

Marketing study of complex clinics in Ukraine

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Telegram channel for doctors

«Leads of Hippocrates»

All medical marketing insides, latest news about clinics' promotion

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